песня I am a girl like you - на шару слушать онлайн в mp3, а так же скачать песню и текст песни, исполняет OST Барби - Принцесса и нищенка
Песня: I am a girl like you
Время: 02:53
Оценки: 0
Артист: OST Барби - Принцесса и нищенка
Текст песни просмотрен: 444
Дата: 2015-05-18
[Princess Anneliese:] I'm savoring a first and last
taste of freedom before getting married next week.
To a total stranger...
[Erika:] At least you're not an indentured servant.
Princess Anneliese: An indentured servant?
If I'd like to have my breakfast hot
Madame Carp will make me pay
And I have to fetch the eggs myself
And the barn's a mile away!
It's cold and wet, yet still I get
An omelet on my plate
But in my head I'm back in bed
Snuggled up and sleeping late
[Princess Anneliese:] Really?
[Erika:] Really. But it's all right; I mean, I'm used to it. And you?
[Princess Anneliese:] Well...
[Erika:] Well?
[Princess Anneliese:]
If I want some eggs, I ring the bell
And the maid comes running in
And she serves them on a silver tray
And she brings the cookie tin
And while I eat, she rubs my feet
And strolling minstrels play
But I'd rather be in my library
Reading science books all day
I'm just like you
[Princess Anneliese:]
You are?
You're just like me.
There's somewhere else we'd rather be
Somewhere that's ours
Somewhere that dreams come true
Yes I am a girl like you!
You'd never think
That it was so
But now I've met you and I know
It's plain as day
Sure as the sky is blue
That I am a girl like you
[Princess Anneliese:] So, you're a singer?
[Erika:] No, I work at Madame Carp's penitentiary. Uh, I mean, dress importium.
[Princess Anneliese:] I love Madame Carp's dresses!
[Erika:] I made the one your wearing...
[Princess Anneliese:] You made this? The design looks so complicated.
Oh, but it isn't really.
First I chose a fabric from the rack
And I pin the pattern down
And I stitch it in the front and back
And it turns into a gown
[Princess Anneliese:]
I wear that gown
Without my crown
And dance around my room
And image life without the strife
Of an unfamiliar groom!
[Princess Anneliese:] But I'd never let my mother know. I wouldn't want to disappoint her.
[Erika:] I completely understand.
[Princess Anneliese:]
I'm just like you
I think that's true
[Princess Anneliese:]
You're just like me
Yes I can see
We take responsibility
[Princess Anneliese:]
We carry through
We carry through
Do what we need to do
Yes I am a girl like you
I'm just like you
[Princess Anneliese:]
I'm just like you
You're just like me
[Princess Anneliese:]
You're just like me
It's something anyone can see
[Princess Anneliese:]
A heart that beats
A he art that beats
A voice that speaks the truth
Yes I am a girl like you!
Перевод (субтитры с диска)
"Я такая же как ты"
Исполняют персонажи: Эрика и Анна-Луиза
Когда с утра хочу поесть
Мадам не приготовит
Должна идти сама в амбар
Два километра по горам
Пусть холодно и сыро
Но завтрак на столе
Ах, как бы было мило
Поспать мне на заре
Когда хочу с утра поесть
Звоню в звоночек я
Несут служанки мне поднос
И завтрак мой готов
Пока я ем, мне ножку трут
И скрипачи играют
Ах, только если б я могла
Быть там, где все читают
Совсем как ты
Совсем как я
Нам хочется куда-то
Туда где нас зовут мечты
Да, я такая же, как ты
Никто не знал (Никто не знал)
Теперь я это же это знаю
Теперь я понимаю что
Что я такая же как ты
Я выбираю ткань сперва
Затем кладу фасон
Пристрочим здесь, поправим там
И вот готово платье
Его надену без короны
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