песня Right Where It Belongs - на шару слушать онлайн в mp3, а так же скачать песню и текст песни, исполняет Nine Inch Nails

страница песни Right Where It Belongs, авторство Nine Inch Nails. прослушайте на шару песню в плеере, затем вы можете добавить её в плейлист, скачать к себе на компьютер. естественно есть текст песни на русском, английском или другом, родном для песни языке. ну и наконец мы постарались найти для вас видеоклип с выступлением артиста, обязательно посмотрите его, нам показалось, что он очень интересный.

Песня: Right Where It Belongs

Время: 05:04

Оценки: 0

Артист: Nine Inch Nails

Текст песни просмотрен: 463

Дата: 2014-11-16


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Другие песни артиста Nine Inch Nails
Текст песни:

see the animal in his cage that you built?
are you sure what side you're on?
better not look him too closely in the eye...
are you sure what side of the glass you're on?

see the safety of the life you have built?
everything where it belongs...
feel the hollowness inside of your heart
and it's all right where it belongs...

what if everything around you isn't quite as it seems?
what if all the world you think you know is an elaborate dream?
and if you look at your reflection, is that all you want to be?
what if you could look right through the cracks?
would you find yourself... find yourself afraid to see?

what if all the world's inside of your head?
just creations of your own...
your devils and your gods and the living and the dead
and you really are alone
you can live in this illusion
you can choose to believe
you keep looking but you can't find words
are you hiding in the trees?

what if everything around you isn't quite as it seems?

what if all the world you used to know is an elaborate dream?
and if you look at your reflection, is that all you want to be?
what if you could look right through the cracks?
would you find yourself... find yourself afraid to see?

Nine Inch Nails - Right where it belongs
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